Go and Make Disciples

Sacraments of the Catholic Church

Please contact the following staff members for more information about specific sacraments:

Infant baptism:
English: Claudia Maeda at claudia@assumption.org  or
(360) 733-1380
Spanish: Claudia Maeda at claudia@assumption.org  or
(360) 733-1380

Adult Baptism:
English: Dr. Kathy Ernst at kathye@assumption.org  or
(253) 356-5523

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion:
6-8th Grade, please get in touch with Daniel Prenosil at daniel@assumption.org  or
(360) 733-1380
For 2nd - 5th Grade, don't hesitate to get in touch with Liliana Marshall at liliana@assumption.org  or
(253) 356-5522

Youth: Daniel Prenosil at daniel@assumption.org 
Adults: Dr. Kathy Ernst at kathye@assumption.org  or
(360) 733-1380
Spanish: Claudia Maeda at claudia@assumption.org or
(360) 733-1380

English: Anna Wittmershaus at anna@assumption.org or Kathy Ernst at kathye@assumption.org or
(360) 733-1380
Spanish: Claudia Maeda at claudia@assumption.org or
(360) 733-1380

Anointing of the Sick:
Email the Parish Office at priest@whatcomcatholic.org or
(360) 733-1380



Church of the Assumption Contact Information

2116 Cornwall Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Office Hours:
Tuesday-Friday (masks optional)
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (360) 733-1380