Go and Make Disciples

Partners in the Gospel

Partners in the Gospel is a strategic pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church. Today, we face many realities that impact parish life and make it difficult to fully live out our mission. This archdiocesan-wide renewal effort, led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in prayer, will help us better support vibrant, sustainable, mission-focused parish communities across the entire Archdiocese of Seattle. To learn more about Partners in the Gospel, please visit archseattle.org/Partners (scroll down the website for an extensive Q&A) and view the launch video from Archbishop Etienne.

Newsletter Updates (available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese)

Letter from Archbishop Etienne to the Priests and People of the Church in Western Washington

English, Spanish, Vietnamese

Q&A : English, Spanish, Vietnamese

Current Reality Report:
This report provides a snapshot of the archdiocese today and outlines data and trends across the region — as well as forecasts demographic changes over the next decade. It also outlines the urgent need for change and why we must re-envision parish life today. Read it in English, Spanish, or Vietnamese

View the  conversation between Fr. Gary Lazeroni & Caitlin Moulding, co-leaders of the Partners in the Gospel Strategic Pastoral Planning Process as they discuss the Current Reality Report: English, Spanish, or Vietnamese (click on español  or Tiếng Việt for subtitles, respectively, in the "cc" box on bottom right).


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2116 Cornwall Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Office Hours:
Tuesday-Friday (masks optional)
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (360) 733-1380