Faith Formation
Our Faith Formation Program is geared towards catechizing children in Kindergarten - 5th grade by using the Word Of Life Curriculum. Our program's goal is to bring our rich faith to life by incorporating Family Fun Nights once a month. Using a mini retreat setting filled with food, fun, and learning we teach the kids about Jesus, His love, and His Church. Encouraging families to live out their faith at home in their daily lives.
Children will meet in grade level groups in school classrooms on Wednesday Evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm
Once a month families will meet in the Gym for an evening of games, learning, and food on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm.
Please note: If your child is a candidate for First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion and does not attend Assumption Catholic School, then the children are required to attend Fatih Formation and Family Fun Nights in addition to sacramental preparation classes.
Please contact Liliana Marshall at or (253) 356-5522 with any questions.
Para hablar con alguien en español por favor póngase en contacto con Claudia Maeda en o (253) 356-5522.
Our Youth Ministry program for students in grades 6-12 is combined with Sacred Heart Parish. The youth group meets on Fridays at Sacred Heart from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Classes for sacramental prep are held on Sunday afternoons at Assumption. Please contact our Youth Minister, Daniel Prenosil, at to learn more.
Faith Formation English Calendar for 2024-2025
Formación en la Fe Calendario en español 2024-2025
Youth Ministry Calendars for (a)2024-2025, (b) 2024-2025